Tuesday 2 February 2016



         I was born into a Muslim family in Igboho, Oyo State of Nigeria. Although I attended a Baptist primary school, my mother soon took me to a Fulani cattle camp for protection because of the polygamous nature of our family. There, I was taught the deep things of the Moslem religion and that Jesus was not the Son of God. I used to confront Christians openly and this made my co-Muslims admire my zeal and courage.
However, within me I was very restless and fearful of the Judgement Day, which I believed was soon to come. I knew that judgement would come upon all wicked men, but I did not know the way of escape from the judgement. Sometimes, I would read the Bible and start to weep without understanding what was happening to me.
One glorious day, during Ramadan period in1977, as I was preparing to pray according to Islamic injunctions on a sheepskin, I heard a strange voice as loud as the sound of many waters. The voice called my Muslim name three times. I was perplexed and asked: “Who is calling me?” I looked and saw a thick cloud but I heard a voice saying from there: “I am the Lord Jesus Christ. Mohammed that you are serving cannot lead you to Heaven. Stop deceiving yourself. Ask anything in my Name and I will do it for you.” I trembled and my heart melted.  That was the last time I bowed my head to worship God in Islamic way.

Although I did not immediately start to serve God the right way, God revealed His power to me soon after. I had a motorcycle accident that almost took my life. I could not move my left leg. In fact, I was almost paralysed. My parents tried all they could, but all the medication given to me did not have any effect.
At a certain stage, I remembered the “Voice” that talked to me on the sheepskin. I then asked everyone in the room to leave because I want to speak to that “Voice.” Though they were reluctant at first, they finally gave in to my request. I called Jesus’ Name and to my utter consternation, I was instantly healed. I ran outside, and people could not believe what they saw. Although this incident convinced me of the reality of Jesus, I still did not know how to serve Him properly.
For a long time, I remained without any religion. One day, the Voice of God asked me to leave the environment in which I was and proceed to Mokwa, in Niger state of Nigeria. I eventually settled down in Ilorin on June 6, 1979. Although the sermon I heard in the first church I attended pricked my heart and I became terrified, at the end of the service I was only asked to raise up my hand as a sign of surrender to Jesus. I was not saved. I became very zealous in the work of the Lord in the church but my zeal was without knowledge.  I later joined a few other people to start a Pentecostal Church. I was very eloquent in preaching, yet, there was sin in my heart. I was bothered because of my temper and love of money, but I did not know what to do. After sometime, I became a Senior Evangelist and I started my own church. I sought for power and I got power. I soon started practising signs and wonders as well as falling anointing, a situation in which you throw a handkerchief to a member or you touch him and he falls down. The dead were raised, the blind receive their sight and the lepers were cleansed at the Name of Jesus. But because I was not genuinely saved from my life of sin, problems upon problems mounted in my life. I conducted deliverance for people even though I was in bondage myself.

After a while, I was ill and became unconscious for three days. My people took me to a white garment Church and through the mercy of God I became well again. While recuperating in the Church, I learnt more of their mode of their worship. I became filled with their spirit even more than the people I met there. I could prophesy evil occurrences and some strange spirit filled me.  My hair became dreadlock and grew down to my shoulders within a few hours, which was a sign of my becoming a prophet. I was given two staffs of office, one as a Prophet and the other as an Apostle. I foretold peoples’ future and it came to pass. I read all kinds of spiritual books and their spirit fell on me. But I had no peace. I was restless and confused. At one stage, I thought my wife was the one blocking my success in my prophetic career. I drove her out and married another wife.
The Lord started to deal with me. Although I could predict the evil that would befall others, I could not predict or prevent the evil that was happening to me. I became seriously ill. The people who took care of me stole all my money. I was in great torment and though I wished to die, death would not come. For some inexplicable reasons, I woke up 12.00 midnight everyday. A voice would tell me to start weeping and I would cry till 6.00am. In the morning, people would still come to me to foretell their future. My second wife then introduced me to another white garment church, which she said could relieve me of my problems, but my case got worse. I was told that if I could go to a certain deep river to take a stone from the river bed and rub my body with it, I would be well. All these efforts came to naught. I was told to organise crusades and by so doing, I would become well, but it was all to no avail.

Eventually, due to my confusion, I drove away my second wife. But thanks be to God, I got an invitation to come and hold revival in Jebba. One day, as I was in front of the house I resided at Jebba, I saw some Apostolic Faith members, including their Pastor, coming toward me. My host told me right there a lot of discouraging things about them. When they got near us, the Pastor invited me to their Church but I immediately refused. However, inquisitive mind got the better of me and I went to see what they were doing on a Thursday Bible study. People kept on telling to stop attending the Church, but a Power stronger than me kept taking me there. I started reading Higher Way Magazine and Sermons. I was struck with the fact that their doctrines which dated back to 1906, were still being practised by the people I saw there. I kept asking the Pastor questions and the answers I got were so marvellous that, just as the Queen of Sheba felt, there was no more spirit in me.

One day, the burden of sin became too heavy for me to bear and within our compound I started pacing up and down, asking Jesus to lift my burden of sin. Oh, the joy of salvation! All my burdens rolled away. I could, and did laugh, even though I had not laughed for ten years. That day I slept soundly. I was so thrilled that I ran to the Pastor to tell him what had happened. He told me about the doctrine of sanctification and the baptism of Holy Ghost and fire. The Lord sanctified and baptised me and I spoke in a new tongue. I had spoken in my strange tongues and even prided myself in the fact that I understood the language of the birds, but this was a different experience. I started making restitutions and stopped the ‘special prayer’ and concoction that I was making for people. I threw away the staffs of office. I burnt my magic books which turned into mystic smoke. I have had many problems since I got saved but God solved all of them. God told me never to leave the Apostolic Faith Church. When I started wondering why, God showed me a vision. I saw The Apostolic Faith Church as a Church built with palm fronds. It was not at all attractive outside. In that vision, God told me to enter. Inside, I saw that everywhere was overlaid with gold. God told me that, that was the way to Heaven and that I must stay there. I had not had any curse whatsoever to regret serving the Lord. The Love of the brethren is always there, but Christ is my ultimate satisfaction. I will remain in this gospel.

N.B: This testimony is not to condemn any Church, or take one Church as the best but portraying the power of Jesus Christ to deliver from sin, Satan and the world. Do you want to get saved from your life of sin; your problems and Satan dominion? Then follow the following steps:

Acknowledge your need
Admit that you have sinned and that you need God’s help. The Bible tells us, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). One man, whose prayer is recorded in Luke 18:13 said simply "God be merciful to me a sinner."

Confess and Repent
Be genuinely sorry for the sins you have committed and ask God to forgive them. God's Word promises, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).It also says, "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may ne blotted out"(Acts 3:19).

Forsake the sins of your past
Determine that with God's help you are going to turn away from all sin in your life. We read in Isaiah 55:7, "Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the lord, and he will abundantly pardon." That is a promise!

Believe in Jesus Christ
First, you must believe that Jesus died for your sins and that He is alive today. Then, when you have honestly and sincerely taken the steps above, believe that God will hear your prayer and save you. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son' that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever lasting life.” (John 3:16)

Receive                                                                                                                                     The Spirit of God will bear witness with your spirit that you are born again and that you name is written in the book of life. Romans 8:16 says “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” You will know when the work is done in your heart; you will have the witness within your heart. Then you will be filled with joy, peace and comfort, that is the sign that you are saved

Start talking to God He wants to hear from you and walk with you through each day. You can talk to Him just like you talk to your other friends.
 Seek Christian companion
The fellowship of others who have committed their lives to Jesus will be a great source of spiritual strength and encouragement

Purpose to continue to live for God
Make a commitment to cherish your connection with God and value it above all else. While it is possible to turn away from God and cause yourself to become separated from Him again, that does not need to happen. He will help you stay saved if that your deep desire.

Tell others of your salvation
You will want to tell your close associates. We would also like to know what God has done in your life.

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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