Monday 11 January 2016



 This is the end time and the antichrist is already in the world manifesting both spiritually and physically. Many Christians believe that the antichrist will manifest only after the rapture, but I tell that the man of sin is already in the world, take a look at the entertainment industry what is happening? The antichrist is already manifesting, you see what people are wearing in the movie, video songs, etc. Anything true Christian that is watching worldly movie is killing his spirit, because the inspiration used to create such movie was not from God; the movies and songs they are displaying is from the dark kingdom unknown mass and even actor and actress in the movie. All Hi-pop songs, rap, rocks are not from God, either Christian hi-pop or not. They are what the devil are using to kill most Christian. What baffles me most is that are this songs are useless and meaningless and yet people are singing and watching it. I hear people saying that those songs are not good and yet they are singing. What is that thing that is pushing them; definitely it is the spirit of the end time which is the antichrist. The major goal of the entertainment industries is sexual arousement, most things they display is sexually explicit. You call yourself a Christian and you are watching all these trashes, OH! if you don’t repent you are joking with hell fire, it is better for you to repent today before you die in your sin. In Nigeria, we have many children becoming pregnant, when I say Children I know what am saying because I have seen thirteen year old girl become pregnant. Major causes of unwanted pregnancy is the entertainment industry, what the media is portraying is very sexual explicit and arousing without even mentioning pornography. All these things are the causes of most sins among youth today like cultism, fornication, homosexual, lesbianism.   
Another thing is violence movie, it is not a good idea for a true soldier of Christ to be watching films like Jack Chan, Jet Lee, Spartacus, or any film they are fighting without any reason, if you are truly saved from your sins, your spirit should have condemned you. Such movie doesn’t glorify God and the Bible says we should do everything to glorify Him. Many children became a murderer after watching such movie, because they want to practise what they watched and many people has been a victim of this.

Cartoon is another implement of the devil to bring souls to hell fire, the target audience in this aspect are children. Children that watches cartoon are easily possessed by the devil to disobey and rebel against their parents thereby making them loose their connection with God and Heaven and then moving closer to the devil and hell. If an adult seat down watching cartoon, it will bring such adult under the bondage of Satan. I cant boldly say that all cartoons are from devil, but examples of demonic cartoons are Ben 10, Poke Môn, The Smurfs. Millions of Children has been possessed of demon through watching of this cartoon, the character in all this cartoon movie actually exists in hell. 

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


  1. My dear all cartoons re from d pit of Hell,period.



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