Thursday 7 January 2016

990 Years In The Kingdom Of Darkness_ Evangelist Olufumilayo #Series One.



990 Years In The Kingdom Of Darkness_ Evangelist Olufumilayo.

My Days In The kingdom Of Darkness–Evangelist Funmilayo Adebayo

I gave glory to the name of the Lord, the lord that gave me grace to wax this record in English. Even though, have wax it in Yoruba Language before since year 2005. But had been trying to wax it in English, thank God for the grace. And am using this opportunity to thank and appreciate those people, God had been using for me in prayer. especially minister of God all over the world, and children of the lord. Many church had organized prayer for me and i gave thanks to the Lord that gave me my life partner, My husband, whose the lord had been using for me mightily, Pastor Adebayo, that had been praying for me.
And and i pray anyone that God had been using for me, in prayer, even financially. The Lord will give them, the grace and power to make heaven and you will not be robbed of your salvation in Jesus name.

The reason, why you hear my voice on this day. Am here to exposed the secret and mystery that is going on the kingdom of darkness. For i am there, working for the Devil for 990 years. Before the Lord Jesus Christ saved me. My encounter with Christ. I will explain many things i this record. 

evan funmilayo

Please give me your ear, your heart and i pray the lord will give you understanding to enable you as this message is going on. This are the things i want to talk about on the Part One series,

1. I will tell you, how i become, one of the member of the darkness.
2. I will tell you, my assignment in Nigeria.
3. What i know about Anti-god, Anti-Christ and Satanic kingdom.
4. I will tell you how we established fake churches all around.
5. I will tell the power of devil in the Christendom today, and how we are using the women of the last day against the glory of the Church.
6. I will tell you the secret  behind makes-up, the secret behind abortion.
7. The secret behind perming and attachment.
8. I will also tell you the secret behind the gospel musician today.
9. Some things that is going on in the school today, in the university, secondary and primary school and how people got initiated in school.
10. How somebody can get the mark of 666 in the hospital, in the bank.
11. And will also talk about the secret behind holy communion and water baptism.
12.  And will also tell you how we make Judgement i the kingdom of darkness upon the saint and the children of God.

I have many to tell you, even i can't say all in this series one, you will be expecting for series two, Many i have to talk about, Let me start from this place what i know is this.  The first  time i came to this world, i was born in Egypt, i was a man by then. I have one wife and four children. I was a soldier, we all went to the war front. we're up to twenty thousand soldiers in our troop. But the war front was so tough and our commander die and we were all waste away. When we dies, there is no place for us to go. Because if some body dies and he didn't have the spirit of God. Your soul will be stranded immediately you gave-up. There will no escort angel that will lead you to direction. To the place you suppose to go. So our spirit was hang in the air. Suddenly there were demons call Magog. They appear in that battle field. With their tanks, they load blood to the sea. And when they are about to go. They discover we were there hanging up. They now arrested all of our soul and took us to the deep see. When we got to the deep sea, they took us to the palace of Queen of the coast.

They put us in a straight line. They got all of us initiated by giving us a cup of blood. We drank this blood as a covenant of initiation. After been initiated, sent for our master plan in order to sent us assignment. In the kingdom of darkness, they have level by level, grade by grade. When we are talking about grade, there are some grade called 

  1. Local level,  
  2. State level ,  
  3. Federal Level
  4. National level,  
  5. International Level or 
  6. World wide level.

Its Five stage, that is reason why some people call FIVE STAR. Some people may draw in their church, some in their house. They don't know, FIVE STAR means, Five stages power of the world, and its talking about kingdom if darkness not talking about Christian at all.

So, this stages are grade by grade, when the local level is dealing with you, they can easily do with you, without looking for  your master plan. There are 333 realm , 666 realm , 777,  999 realm and above. But this day, we are into 666 realm of marine kingdom. And there, before they take any step on you, they need to ask for your master plan. So this master plan can only be gotten from kingdom of 999 realms, where international demons are dwelling. Before any one could come to this world, from heaven. They will first get to place called an Immigration Center. At the immigration center, every human must be stop there and be search for your master plan. If they see any white file in your hand, they will collect it.

And from there, they will check your master plan. Master plan means, what you are been sent to do on world, from your first day to the last day. It contain your record. And whenever they discover you are coming to this world to do the will of God. Given an assignment that will affect the kingdom of darkness. The next thing, they will do will be to removed the original master plan of God for your life and replaced with counterfeit plan.

So that, when you get to this world, everything you're doing will not be according to the will of God. For example, if God sent you to this earth to be in Canada as a citizen, they will programmed and make you to be born in Ghana. While God, will sent the angel of your helper, benefactor and every Good things of your life will be there in Canada. And when they change your master plan. All what the Lord had program for you will be over there in Canada while you're been born Ghana. Where is no helper, no goodness, noting, noting. The guardian angel of your life will not be there with you. That is why ,you see some people, they will suffer, and they will be asking, God why didn't you bring me into this world to suffer.

No, but the angel of darkness had change your plan to counterfeit plan. You are been miss direct. That why you are facing problems. Children of God, you need to pray earnestly, pray very well. With prayer God can still send another angel to relocate you. And i pray, that anyone of us , been facing this kind of problem, the Lord will open heaven for you and attend to your case Jesus name...AMEN.

As i was saying, they said for our master plan, in order to know the kind of assignment been giving unto us . When they brought this master plan, they started giving everyone position and where to work. So, when it got to my turn, they suddenly gathered and buckled me up. For two weeks i was there. I don't know why they luck me up. By the time, they came to bring me out. I ask them, why did they luck me up. They told me, i didn't offend them. But what they found in my master plan, was that,God had sent me into this world to be a Prophet.

So that was the reason, they prepare me for special assignment, that will work against the original master plan of God. So that God will regret for sending into this world. Personally i don't know God, and don't even know if he has any plan for me. So, i just have to believe what they told me. They also told me that, they will sent me to school and am going to spend 300 years in the school. I was so surprise, How can i spend 300 years in school?. That means i still have to die again, They all laugh at me. They told me, in this place, nobody die. And they show me some people who had bee living for 2000-3000 years, And this give me courage and they gave me some thing like small stone. They put it in my mouth and i swallow it, then i believe i had immortality. Not knowing the devil was just deceiving me. They send me to school. When i get there, the school was in the deep sea, university school they sent me to.

You see this deep sea, was a bigger place. Bigger than the whole global world, very big place. I don't know how to describe it. The whole world we are now, maybe its just a small local state in that place. That place is very big. If you see their stadium over there, you can't compare it with what we have here. If you see their university, hospital, they have more than us, they more civilize more than us. They had been existing there before Genesis One, before God created this world. You know, fallen angels are been descended from heaven, since the time, they made mistake. They had been here on this earth, covered by water, for billions of years. Before God remember the contract of this world and established this world.

They were there, when God was creating everything, since day one. The only power we have over them was that, when God created man, they didn't know how he breath unto us. But they knew the secret behind all the plants , the secret in creating animal. but when God want to create us. He breath in us and the secret behind that breath, they didn't know it. That is why we are special above every other things And i pray, the special power in you, you will not lose it in Jesus name. And if you have already lose, i pray, the lord will return back your glory.

As i was saying, this people, they put me in the school. In that school, they send me to do many courses. I have done many courses in that school. But the particular course i went there for is Theological course. And this theological course took me 100 years,before i could finish it. You may be surprise, that in the kingdom of darkness we read bible. The bible is the most greatest book. Its the book of law. We don't have any other book of law. Any other book of law that other religion may talk about, i don't say, its not book. But the one, the kingdom of darkness don't joke with is the Bible. Because they knew that by this Bible shall every human shall be judge. The heaven shall be judge by bible.

So, therefore, if you want to be great or have promotion, maybe you're police, lawyer, judge, or to have higher rank in the kingdom of darkness. You must go for this course am talking about, you must know the word. because the word is powerful in the kingdom of darkness. As it in lightness so it is in the darkness. The only different is that, in kingdom of darkness, we only used it to contradict against the genuine christian. Because, they don't know how to understand and use it. And i pray, the word in your hand will never condemn you in Jesus name, amen.

I did many course in that place, which i can't explain.  But there is something i want to tell you. Anyone that want to go school or university, am not telling you not to go. But am advising you, just go, read some and leave the rest. Because when we are talking about education. You will only receive theory. The really practical of all this course, they gave to you in school. Is right there in deep sea. They may give you course, you may read books, but to do the practical, and other source of things, you may want to produce chemical, medicine or machine. At last after your experience i school. You discover you produce fake, not original. But some people will come out and said their own is original. Why is their own the best and not yours?. with all your strength you produce and produced fake.

There is a court, called WORLD SCIENTIFIC OCCULTISM. This scientific world occultism, anyone that join them, those are the people we called GENIUS in any course. We have genius of God, but not in the way of the world. I understand what am saying very well. so, i spend my years in this school for 300 years and i finish all my course. When i finish all my course, After graduation i was promoted to California. The reason why i did that course, is that i want to become Chief Justice in the highest court in the kingdom of darkness. And thoroughly, i pass all my exams and i later become chief justice i the highest court of darkness.

That was why, i was been sent to California. California is the headquarter of office of Devil in the whole world. The devil have 3 offices in the whole world. He has office in California, he has office in India and he has office in Nigeria. The Office in Nigeria was established in 1977. By FESTAC 77. The one that was brought to Nigeria by one of our president in those days. That Festac 77. We may thought it was just an ordinary festival. Its been program to initiate and establishment of kingdom of darkness empowerment in Nigeria. And the office, the secretarial is been suited in Benin city. The center of Obamhma market in Benin city, and pray, the Power Of Lord God Almighty will come down and destroyed every darkness and stronghold Nigeria in Jesus name.

When they promoted me to California as Chief Justice, that was 30 years tenure and i was there as a Justice, I have done many cases, Judge many saints. Condemn many souls, i can't explain i this record, but when am been invite to Church i explains in details. I had been there doing my work perfectly, Until one day. I went to my chambers, to go through files. And i came across the files name unborn person. HOW CAN SOMEBODY THAT IS NOT BORN HAVE CASE?. HOW CAN I JUDGE PERSON, THAT HAS NOT COME TO THIS WORLD BEFORE?. I was so baffle, I don't know how to handle that case. I need to call my registrar. I ask my registrar to give me details about that case. He cannot explain. I now sent for the lawyer that brought the case. When i interview the lawyer, He now laugh. He said its possible for somebody that has not been into this world to answer case in the kingdom of darkness

And i say, How? 

How can someone, that had not been born into this world answer case. They has astrologers, i mean star browser. You know, before any man been born into this world. Your star will be on the sky at lest, 300-400 years before you're been born into this world. Your star will be there waiting for you. Programming you, for your generation that is coming. So, there are some fallen angels. They're star browser. This are people we called, astrologers of darkness. They read star, 300-400 years to come. So when the star browser where going on in there work. They come come across a strange star, that been wrapped in pillar of fire. And this star had been come across before for longtime. The star of Moses, before they born Moses. The kingdom of darkness notice that somebody strange is coming. Because Moses, has with the angels that work with pillars of fire, go through, Exodus chapter 14, you will read it there.

And this why they wage war against Moses. They didn't want him to succeed. But glory be to God that Moses made it at last. And when they discover this star again, they needs to notice and mark that person. Therefore, they want to program against his life. That is the reason they brought the case to me. Not that he offended them, but to re-program against his life. they brought the case to me, so as to tell them, how they could carry out their assignment. And i said, HOW ARE WE GOING TO SEE THE PERSON AM GOING TO JUDGE?  He said is possible, to bring such person to the kingdom for judgement, that they have to take permission from heaven. I said i don' believe. And they said, so far God can permit Job unto the hands of Devil, they could do the same.

I thought, it was a joke. I just give them date. That in such date, i will set-up a Judgement for him. But i don't know the kinds of judgement i will give him. The lawyer now told me that, if i didn't do the case, they will go and report me. This now push me to go back to my liberary to make more research. So, my judgement i set for him was that, i will set-up a marriage for him. The baby that appear in front of me, was the man, a full grown man, but yet unborn. So, i arrange a demon reincarnate for him as wife, and we got them wedded. In fact, to my greatest surprise, when they were reading his data to me . Exactly the name of the baby will bare of earth was in his master plan, including the name of his parents and where he will be born, i mean, 300-400 years before the baby was to be born. Even his parents are not yet born. They told me everything, where he will be born, the name of his parent, the location of his birth and everything concerning him. So, i have to re-programm against the master plan of God for his life and also setting up a demons reincarnate as wife for him.

All my listener, if you discover that you have a spiritual wife or husband. Don't prove your holy-holy or born-again. Just go straight for your deliverance ad pray. Because, many are been initiated or get married to demons, before the are been born. Many people are been engaged before their mother give birth to them. So, don't argue, just go for deliverance, everybody need deliverance, so far  you're i this world. This world are been polluted, you need deliverance everyday. And in pray, that the blood of Jesus will purified you, from every pollution you're into in Jesus name.
As i was saying, after we did the case, I also does another case, many like that. I finish my 30 years tenure in that office i the kingdom of darkness. After my case in that kingdom, i was promoted to another kingdom of darkness, called Anti-god kingdom. 

There are three kinds of kingdom of darkness controlling this world.

1. Anti-god kingdom,
2. Anti-Christ kingdom and 
3. Satanic kingdom.

And since the time of the garden of Eden. Its was only first kingdom we had been into till today, which is called Anti-god kingdom. It started from the garden of Eden. when the snake came to deceived eve. You see in this world, if anything ever happen, we normal mention the name of Satan, satan, satan. Either you believe me or not, Satan had not started his work. The person at work now, His name is Queen of heaven. the same person the bible talk about in Genesis chapter 10,  am talking about Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod. The person that established the tower of babel. The person that whole world at that time, were worshiping as god. This is the same person that cause Eve and Adam to go against God in the garden of Eden. After God had save some people soul through Noah.


Its the same person that come back again and make them to build a tower against God. He is the one that give them the idea of idol worshiping again. And this person came again the third time. He is the person called Jezebel at the same time. Any time he came to this world, we called him re-incarnating. He is a demon, and will come in shape of human being and will re-incarnate to human and will born her to this world. He normal come inform of a woman. He only comes to this world, when ever He has a powerful assignment that he want to perform by himself. So this person am talking about is called Queen of heaven.

He is the one of the arch-angel. Superior than Satan himself, you know before Satan was been descended to this world. He was just a leader of choir, cherubim, choir-master in heaven. Ezekiel 28, He is a choirmaster. He is not one of the warrior angels. There are more superior angels powerful than him. Its only when he wanted to performs his coup that he went to take the concert of others arch-angel and they carry out the coup. And when they all lose the coup, they all been cast away together. So Satan still has some demons that has more power  than him.

Queen of heaven has more power more than Satan himself. He is the one that start the ruling of this world. So, after his own kingdom, then Anti-Christ kingdom follow, then satanic kingdom will come at last. Go back to your revelation then you will discover all what am saying there. So, what am saying now, is that, in that kingdom, when i get there, they now introduced, what they are doing there to me. They told me how they operate in their kingdom, they said, in their kingdom, they don't attack people, they don't kill people any how, they don't disturb people from prosperity. They don't give people barrenness. The only assignment they has in their own kingdom, the major work they do , is to make man to serve God under the anger of God. Their major work, is to lead man to Hell fire. They said , they don't afflict people on earth. Its other  local, local,  lower small kingdom that afflict people on earth, with sickness.

Their own level is the highest level in the kingdom of darkness. Which is to stand against man from making heaven. I said how , they said, they had their own motto and power in the word of God. They said, their motto is in Deuteronomy 5:7-9  Thou shalt have none other gods before me.Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me,

Deuteronomy 4:19.""And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven. 

When i heard this things, its doesn't mean anything. Because we had read  this in the school, when am in the deep sea. And i said how could that became power to you. And they now told me, they are fallen angels, they had been dwelling with God for billions of years, before the mistake they made and God descend them to this world. They said they knew the attitude of God and they understand God very well. They knew that God will never admit or accept anybody that worship another God.

That anybody that worship another god, must always be under the anger of God. And if that person dies, They are very sure that, the person will never see the favor of God. So that is why, they need to cause people to worship God under the anger of God. So, that is why the idea of idol, they don't joke with it. So, they will cause people to bow and worship other gods, that they knew, Whenever God said something, he doesn't reverse his word. He is a God that never change.  So its only when man repent, he will hold-done, but whenever man goes back to sin, He will reverse all those sin and couple in together with those previous ones he has committed. But when man repent, and didn't go back to sin, then he has overcome totally. So therefore, they told me in their kingdom, they don't stop man from going to church, and they don't cause man not to worship God. But in their kingdom , they use wisdom not power, to programs somebody life, to worship God under the anger of God. They now told me, from this , they established many churches today. And they told me about that chapter and spoke about some churches and religion also. Deuteronomy 4:19  "And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

Muslim woship Queen of Coast, The Moon god

They now told me, this is how they cause some religions, that when ever they want to worship God, they will bowed toward the sun. That they will cause them to bow to the sun in worship. That no matter their righteousness and goodness, God will never accept them because of that little mistake or sin. That is the only thing that will destroy them. And immediately they die, when they get to the gate of heaven, this quotation will be open against them by the demons at the gate of heaven. They said, is not only on this earth that demons fight against people. That when they die, they will still be their, as the same way they stood against Moses. They will stood at the gate of heaven, to quote those things the person didn't discover on earth. And they will resist this quotation at the gate, that they normal use this quotation against the saints, that thought, they were they Holy while on earth. And i pray, the God Almighty will gives us the wisdom to understand all this secret system of darkness in the name of Jesus Christ.

So, they now told me how they operate in the church. They told me that, this idol worshiping in the church and how they brought it in the church. After the death of Christ among the Israelite. The apostle started their work again, by going from one village city to another, preaching the gospel, doing revival, Healing. Anywhere they go, there will be healing , power, deliverance and people started coming to Christ, following the apostle. So, they now said, How are we going to stop this people, they try stopping them by killing them. The more they kill them. the more they expand. So, when the apostle went to the land of Rome, they stage their program there, many people came, many possess with affliction, disease and all form of sickness , blind and even those worshiping idol got their healing. So, after the program, the Apostle laid a foundation of a church, so that people can worship God. The church was established, and the senior apostles peter and the rest of them appoint some leaders and evangelist to head the church and they went on their way to another city. But the youths, are very sharp, they quickly understand things. They approach the leaders whom the apostle had appointed, and said unto them "Sir, if you want us to come to your church, there is a way you can brings us in"

If you can allows us to bring our idol to this church, then we become your member. Because, if our fathers, knows that we  forsake their idol and see us going to church. They will curse us and kill us. If you want us to join and be worshiping in your church, Just allow us to bring our idol into your church. Just to disguise our fathers, then we will come in and worship your God, and when are about to go out, we will just bowed down to the idol and our father with think, we are worshiping the idol. But the leaders said, we cannot do this, because if Paul or peter come back and see us doing this, they will curse us.

They now said, there is way we can do it. We can change the name of that idol. The name of idol they are worshiping in the land of Rome at that time is called Venus. 

When i called VENUS, It means Queen of Heaven. 
The same idol the Israelite worship in the land of Canaan called ASEROTES
Its same idol, the Romans are calling VENUS. 
Its the same idol the Chinese are called  SHIGMOON. 
The Indian are calling it INDRANIG. 
The Greece called her APHOSTERIES or MARIES. 
Samaria called her NNANA,
 The Asian country called her Cybele
Egyptian called her PHORUSES or EXSIS, 
The Ephesian called her DIANA. 
The Babylonian called her BALYTIS. 
The English people called her MY LADY. 
The Italian called her MADONNA. 
The Latin called her DOMINA. 
The Scenvia called her VERSA, 
The Ethiopian called her NETORSHIA. 
So, this is how they worship her in my country. She normally appear as an image of a woman of mother and child.

Bowing and worshiper of mary in Hell

This same person, is the person they brought into that church, and said they will change her name, that is why i need to warn you here. Please be careful the name you used in prayer. Any name you used, if you like call holy Michael or holy Gabriel when you pray. Even if you like called on the name of holy Mary. Its only the name of Jesus Christ, has God given unto us. He said, he had exalted his name, above every other name. By the name of Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow. Any other name you used to pray, behind the name of Jesus Christ, You are praying to Queen of Heaven. I didn't mention name of any church now. Please praying by any other name, apart from the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is a Sin.

So, therefore, in this name, they pray in the name of the mother of Jesus, this and that. This is how they bring this into the church and they called some holy name to pray to God. The genuine name of that idol is VENUS. The one they brought to the church in the land of Rome. The demons, say, by this, they has the power to curse people to worship God, under the anger of God. After, their own service on earth, when they die, when they get to the Gate of heaven. They will quote this quotation , and it will be impossible for them to make heaven. Because if Heaven and earth pass away, the least of the word of God, will never pass-away without fulfillment. This are the area this quotation condemn billions of soul after their death. So, please if you're one of the people that always pray with nay other names, apart from he name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You're already against the word of God. Go back to the bible, forget about the doctrine of your church and go back to the doctrine of the bible. The bible can't never deceived you.

Any doctrine of the church can deceived you. May God bless you, as you made your correction. And now, they took me back to the book Deuteronomy 4:19, Its talking about another religion also. i said how do they work on this one. They said, they curse some people. When ever they want to serve God. They bow their head to the sun to pray. And they told me that, they purposely us this thing against them. And according to this chapter, its say, when you look up to heaven....So therefore, if anybody go against that quotation, by bowing down to anything at all. If they get to heaven, they will also condemn them. This is why, you see some religion, bowing down to the sun, i didn't mention any religion name. But if you are a bible scholar, you will read it there, Deuteronomy 4:19. In any way you worship God. By bowing down to any image or anything God created, You have committed a sin.

Even this bowing down to the sun, this thing started in the bible Ezekiel 8:16."    And hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his neighbour's wife, neither hath come near to a menstruous woman,.... you might been reading this quotation for a long time, without knowing that is talking about some religion. You see, they perfume this thing, in the house that solomon build. This religion started, from the temple of solomon. They're 25 people that started this religion. Its  not only the name of One man, that they're shouting about. That man is not the founder of that religion. Its this 25 men, that started that religion and the name of that court is will known, But i will not mention the name in this Cd.

This are 25 men that started that religion, by bowing down to the sun. And God said, in this verse, that he will never have mercy on them. His anger is arouse upon them. Even they shout to his ear, he will not listen to them. I mean God isn't happy the way they worship. Please if you are under this thing, am not against you, But am reading bible now. Even if you don't believe me, believe the bible. Even though, you see me as a liar, believe the word of God. Because i will die, you will die, but the word of God will never die. Please and please, am not saying am wiser than you. Even if my experience in the kingdom of darkness is a lie, what about the bible.

Even the book John 16:1-3 "
These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. That a time is coming, when they will drag you to synagogue. They will kill you, thinking they are fighting for God. Please be ware, no man can fight for God. God know how to fight for himself.

So, they now explain to me, that in their kingdom, this is what they're doing. They deceive and curse people to worship God, under the anger of God. So, that they can use the same thing to condemn them, after their death. And they told me, as i enter this kingdom, they want to be using me in establishing shrine for worshiping idol. They train me for this, and i started coming to this world. Somebody will born me , i will grow and after some years i will die. I didn't die premature, sometimes, i die at the age of 70, 80. I will grow, i will have wife, born children. But my main purpose in that country, is to live with them. Know what they like, ate and know how to arrange gods for them. And this is how we established our idol.

If we want to established idol, we live among them, knows their sickness, their weak point. So if we want to force a state or city to worship idol. We will curse a sickness, among them, is either they will be dieing or send the spirit of Magog to another village or country to come and  fight them. Killing them, and when they see people dieing. They will started going all around, consorting oracle. During this consulting, they will be told to go to so-so person that he had a solution to their problem. They will now direct them to me. And i will tell them to established so-so idol, they should starting worshiping it and if they did, truly, their problem will be over, And this is how they will turns into god. I have been born in many country.

As a christian, you might be arguing with me. That man is been mandated for a man to die once. True, bible didn't lie. Its true that man is been mandated to die once, But let me tell you something. After this , if you are not a good child of God, Its only if you're a good child of God, if you die , if you have holy spirit when you die, Then there is angel called ex-court angel.  They will comes and welcome , take your soul and protect you to a place for your soul to rest.

But if you don't have holy life, either you believe me or not. There are some demons, available, waiting for you to give-up, they will hijack  your soul, and take you to their kingdom. Do you know that many of us don't reach our ages before we die. The only thing that will make you go to the land of death is when you die at the appropriate age. But if you dare die before your age, you're not going there. You will go to another kingdom and start serving them.

Even though you didn't believe me, if you are in Nigeria, especially Yoruba, they knew what we call Abiku. Someone will die now, after under some months, you will see as he die, they will cut the hands and the legs. If they born that person again. That person marks will still be there. If they cut the face, as they born that person, the mark will still be there. And some of them, even, when they are been reborn, they will still have the memory of how they  born them last time. If they see their former cloth  and shoe they used before, they will say, this is my shoe or cloth. And you will say he/she is abiku.

Many as they are listening, they can testify to it. If you argue, other will not argue. God had given devil this privileged. He can't drag this power with him. Because, he has stated a day for judgment. Anything you can do on earth. You can kill and destroy  people. But a certain day is coming. A day of judgment. But God really want to destroy devil. He wouldn't had sent his son to die.

God has timely, that is why he has given us the grace of life. You need chose yourself. There was a man in the bible. That God gives the grace to come back second time. Am talking about John the baptist in Matthew 11:14. "
And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come.
So God also give Elijah the opportunity to come back the second time. You may ask, what about y going and coming. The devil can perform miracle. Its not moving God. The greatest miracle Satan could face is the total destruction of him i hell. But Satan is not surprise about this God agenda. Beside he has been preparing himself, his host and every being on this earth for destruction. You just have to single yourself out.I have been in this kingdom, working for them, from one country to another.


If we want to come to this world, we will come to this world in spirit. We don't have flesh. we mark any woman or man we like, when we see her, saying this the kind of face, and body complexion i needed. But if she is still a single, we will program him/her marriage very fast. Because we want to us her body. Even if that person is holy. We will release sexual urge upon that person. That will make her to surely go and fornicate and get pregnant. And if that person dare abort it, she will die.  So when, she is in the act of that sexual action. And a spirit will be watching through sperm. And if two sperm germ together as it enter through the womb, oven. And during the temperature and warm on it, as it about to turn flesh. Then the spirit will enter. The flesh will miss together with the spirit and it will turn into baby and everybody will rejoice that a new baby had born.

That is why am giving this advice. Every couple that want to meet together, either you prepare for baby or not. Try and cover yourself with the blood of Jesus Christ and sanctified that place with the power of the holy ghost, before you have any sexual intercourse. So that you wouldn't produce demons into this world. So, please, that is why in many Christian home, you have children that doesn't resemble the father and mother in character. They act so strange and behave differently from the whole family. because, they didn't know that, when they're meeting together, there are some unseen spirit programming against their intercourse. And i pray, everyone of you, that has been in this kind of condition or having such a person in the family, i pray the Lord that touch and change my life will also touch and change their life ,and if the ones you born into that family are demon re-incarnate, the Lord will uproot and removed them from that family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. amen.

So, that is how i started going from one country to another. establishing temple up and down. This is how worked for this kingdom for many years. Until i started having promotion, any where they born me, i will prosper there. Any assignment they give me or contradict am so good. I prosper in all things. I Started having promotion-promotion every where until i got to the higher level, to the extend, i become one of the executive members in kingdom of darkness. So, this executive member i am into, we normally goes for annually meeting, annually budget. And this budget always comes up around September And October.

You know in the world, we normally do budget, maybe earlier in the year. In the kingdom of the darkness, its normally toward the end of the year we always does it. So, this year am talking about. We went for the annually meeting, where we give annual report. And every year, when we give report, you see each and everyone of us in that meeting, each person represent a continent. One person, will represent Africa,one person will represent Europe, while another person will represent Asia and so on. We're not that many but executives. Somebody may standup and said, Aah in my own continent Two millions people that die this year, we afflict 700 with sickness, this year is 300 people that backslide, this year about 400 people were giving fibroid, so they will just be giving bad report they had done.

So, as they work, there also additional powers, promotion and demons where given unto them. They may decide to give them 20,000 demons to work along with them, so that, there work could be faster and effective. Some they will give them powers, snake, scorpion and many weapons, arrows so that there work can be faster and they will also give a report of those initiated in a year.

Let me tell you something, In a local government, if they have 10 witch, either you believe it or not, under a year, that 10 witch will be multiple into 100, because in the kingdom of darkness, their is that they must initiate, multiplication. Its only in the Christendom, we don't care about multiplication, but in the kingdom of darkness, Multiplication is the greater assignment. Because the devil will tell every year that the rapture will soon take place. That he don't want Jesus Christ to have any candidate. they want the rapture to sound, that they want any body to rapture. They want Jesus Christ to score zero. That is why are very fast in initiating people.

In the olden days, before they initiate you. They will tell you to bring this and that and to make covenant. But now either you like it or not, You must be initiated, either by dream, or in the school. That why am going to tell you how they bewitch people. Its only by the grace of God, you can be  free. I will tell you how they initiate people in the market. So, they will give report of the number of people they initiated and after the whole thing, the person can be promoted. This is how we started giving our report, one-by-one. But the last the people that normally gives last report, are people called "International demons"

This are the people that normal stay between the entrance gate to heaven. This are the people that knows how many people that goes or make it to Heaven in a year. This are called International demons, They are the same people Daniel called Prince of Persia. They are he people that hinder the prayer of Daniel. This people has the power to hi_jack man or his life after death.

They are people that welcome man, he is coming to this world. And also when he is leaving this world. So, they know the number of people that make heaven in a year and number of people that go to hell in a year. So, that day they all stand up, with their bad face,they are not happy. We all wonder why this people are not happy. Because they are always cheerful, laugh and so great when ever they want to talk. So, this day, they all come-up with bad face. We all wonder what id happening. They started talking, saying "This year about 15 soul make it to heaven. We are so surprise, Because it had not happen like that. since i join them. Because, since i join them, They usually said Heee, This year about 2-3 souls make it to heaven. And sometimes no single soul will make it.

You may not believe me, If it was not so, God will not be raising people everyday, to preach and evangelize. Do you know that i the whole universe, people who're dieing every year are above 25 millions and 25 millions going to hell every year. And heaven, nobody is entering there. But this report that very year is very-very different. And that every where was scattered and everybody was angry. Devil himself cry, roaring like a lion with anger, scattered, every where, release fire, injured and burn many people. 


Let me tell you about this internet, this internet had been existing for long, its late hour, before you people on earth discover, what is internet. This website had been insistence, even before Adam and eve in the garden of Eden. This people, there intellectual very very wide. So in other series, i will take about computer, you will understand the meaning of computer. So, if you're proud that you're in computer age. Your are joking, that is,you're in anti-Christ age.

This testimony was originally posted

990 Years In The Kingdom Of Darkness_ Evangelist Olufumilayo #Series One.

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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