Tuesday 7 November 2017



By Mulikat Davies
Nothing in my early life recommended me for the wonderful grace I found in the sight of God. My experience has further confirmed that God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform. I was born a Muslim, and by practice, I went a notch higher, becoming an Alhaja (a pilgrim to Mecca and Medina). Things were rosy until a terrible disease hit me like a tornado.
I was woken up one night by blood oozing from my mouth. The experience marked the beginning of nightmares for me. I went from one herbal home to another. And from one physician to another. There was no respite until I came to the Greatest Physician, Jesus Christ.
At appoint, I went to an herbalist who many recommended as being very competent. He died three months after my admission in his herbal home. I visited many others until six months into the illness, an uncle warned that my ailment was beyond traditional cure. We headed for the General Hospital, Sokenu, Abeokuta (Ogun State, Nigeria) where I was operated upon twice to no avail. I was later referred to University College Hospital. Ibadan. Everybody around me was almost sure ‘solution has come at last!’
Another round of surgery failed to improve my health, but my stay in that tertiary hospital afforded me the opportunity of meeting with missionaries from The Apostolic Faith. On each visit, they affirmed, “Jesus heals… Jesus saves,” and handed out tracts and magazines from the Church. I stacked the publication in my private room at the hospital.
I was shocked, the third month of my admission into the hospital when my relations were told that I would be discharged since medical science could not get to the root of my predicament. All pleas fell on deaf ears. It was true, humanly speaking, a hopeless situation.

                                What a Friend we have in Jesus                                                                                     
                              All our sins and griefs to bear

By the time I left UCH, my problem had escalated. In addition to the continuous flow of blood from my mouth, my nose also bled ceaselessly because a hose was passed through it by which I was fed with fluids and drugs. I was very lean, weak and could not on my own stand, sit, walk or do anything. It was in this miserable state that I moved into a relation’s house at Foko area of Ibadan.
I began to think about the missionaries who visited the hospital. I thought about their promise and somehow turned my eyes upon Jesus. That marked the beginning of victory for me. One day, I pointed in the direction of my hospital bag and it was brought to me. From one of the publications, the address of The Apostolic Faith Church, Ibadan, was identified. I asked that I be taken there.
I was dropped at the Headquarters Church, Imalefalafia, Oke-Ado, Ibadan, Oyo District
(Nigeria) at about 4am. Surprisingly, I started feeling better the moment I alighted from the taxi. I was directed to the altar to pray. The person on guard told me that the Church had gone to Lagos for the annual camp meeting, but that I could go and pray at the altar and tell my problems to Jesus. I told him I did not know how to pray. He said I should tell Jesus to have mercy on me. On getting to the altar, I spread my shawl on the bench so that it would not be stained by the blood oozing out of my nose and mouth. After praying for some time, God heard my feeble cry. I opened my eyes to see how much blood had come out. But surprisingly, the shawl was not stained at all, I could not believe my eyes, so I spat on the shawl but there was no blood. Without any medication, my problem fizzled out by 2 pm same day. It was amazing! My sister who traced me to the Church, thinking I might have died, but seeing me completely healed, hastened home to spread the good news of my healing.
My healing came with deeper blessings of salvation, sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I got all free of charge. My family, which was well-to-do, asked the then District Overseer, Rev. Ogunanike, how much to pay, but the man of God softly told them, “Freely ye have received, freely give”

Furthermore, Jesus did not just heal me.  I was a pauper when I came to Jesus, I prayed and He heard me! I became a merchant by His providence, without investing a dime. Jesus sent a woman I had never met, who handed to me four trailer loads of SMA (powdered milk) to sell, and from there I rose to become the owner of houses and not just a house.
Again, I was barren before I was healed and saved. I prayed and Jesus answered my prayer. God blessed me with a baby girl. That baby girl is now a mother. I stand to testify to the mighty power in the Blood of Jesus to heal, save, provide, keep and more importantly, to take us to Heaven at last.

*Sister Mulikat Davies is a member of The Apostolic Faith Church, I Ibadan, Oyo State.*

Jesus Christ can do anything to anyone, anywhere. Just come to Him in faith. He is able to do more than what He did to Sister Mulikat Davies to you. Just believe!

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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