Sunday 5 July 2020

Episode 9 of Otelabi Story


In several other occasions, Oluwo had attempted to kill Otelabi, but she has been miraculously delivered by King Adeife interventions.

King Adeife called for a meeting among his chiefs. In the meeting, everyone pointed out their opinions, especially how much lives that has been lost because of Otelabi.

Lisa: What else should we do? Everything we know has failed.

Iyalode: I think it's high time, we called Oluwo and negotiate with him whatever he wants to stop deceiving Otelabi.

Balogun: That can't be possible! Oluwo is an Outcast. We can't negotiate with him.

All the chiefs were debating whether to negotiate with Oluwo or not.

Finally the king spoke

King Adeife: My chiefs, I appreciate your concerns and your standing by me in this situations. It has been in my mind also that I will invite Otelabi and talk things out with him. I was only hoping Otelabi will change with times, but now it's very obvious that Otelabi will not change until we deal with Oluwo issue.

My people, let's invite Oluwo to the palace.

They all agreed to invite Oluwo to the palace and some messengers were sent to Oluwo to appear in the palace on the agreed date.

Oluwo was very surprised to receive an invitation to the palace. His cohorts advised him to go and listen to what the king has to say.

On the day of the meeting, the chiefs were there and the king present.

Balogun: We welcome everyone to this very crucial meeting. Oluwo, the reason the king invited you to this meeting is to have some negotiations with you.

The king is in the best position to tell you what he really wants from you.

King Adeife: Oluwo, without wasting time, I want you to stop to terrorising Otelabi's life, leave her alone and let her love me. You can't have her for ever. I love her.

Oluwo: O king, with due respect, I can't leave Otelabi alone, she's mine, she has pledged her life to me.

King Adeife: I know all these, but I want her, you know she was my own before until you took her away from me. So tell me anything you want to the half of my Kingdom.

Oluwo was surprised with the offer.

Oluwo: Do you mean you can do anything I ask?

King Adeife: Yes… even to the half of my Kingdom

Oluwo: I can't give you an answer now, let me go and think over it.

King Adeife: By next week, you should have finished thinking about it, So we will be expecting you in our next meeting.

After a few more discussions, the meeting was dismissed and everyone went home.

Oluwo went home and called a meeting regarding the king's offer. He asked his people for their opinions.

Oluwo: What should I ask from the king.

Some suggested he requested for big lands, some suggested houses, estates and several things. Lastly  Ikutu had a different opinion.

Ikutu: All these things are easy for the king to give. But there is something the king will not be able to give out.

Everyone chorused and look at his direction: What's that?

Ogbon'ye: The king can never give out his life to save Otelabi. Let's ask for his life, I'm sure he won't be able to give it out and when he doesn't do that, we will have total ownership on Otelabi.

Everyone in the meeting was happy with the suggestion and they celebrated their victory over Otelabi.

Oluwo: I'm super excited this night, I wish the meeting with the king should be tomorrow.

They laughed and the meeting was dismissed

At King's Adeife Palace, during the next meeting with Oluwo.

Balogun: Oluwo, tell us what you want, our king is capable.

Iyalode: I s it money, lands or whatever name it

King Adeife: name whatever you want, we're here for you.

Oluwo: I don't want anything, all those things you're saying doesn't appeal to me

I only need one thing

Balogun: say it

King Adeife: Let me know it

Oluwo: King Adeife, it's your life  I need. You can only use your life to save Otelabi. No money or treasure can be accepted…

Balogun: What do you mean by the king's life

Oluwo: The king must die !

Oluwo: It's either Otelabi dies or the king dies. If the king is not ready to die, he should forget about Otelabi.

Everyone in the palace was shocked and there was momentary silence!

King Adeife: Is that what you really want? Why not take my golds, diamonds, emerald and other precious treasures

Oluwo: I don't need all those, what I need is me seeing your blood splash on the ground, take it or leave it.

King Adeife: Okay, if that will be the case, I will send for you as soon as possible, so that you can know my stand. Pending those few days, don't touch Otelabi or harm her.

Oluwo: That's not an issue, I wouldn't touch her.

King Adeife: You can now take your leave

Oluwo left the palace

iyalode: You can't waste your life because of a woman ooo

Balogun: Please don't try it, it will be a big blow on us because you're going to be embarrassed, disgraced and scorn and you know that will affect our lives too.

Everyone in the palace was against the idea

The king also was not happy with the idea, but he told his chiefs that new would think about it.

*Will king Adeife give his out his life to save a woman that doesn't love her?*

Watch out in season 2

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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