Saturday 19 March 2016

Seeing Things As God Sees


One morning, i was down casted and not really happy, i even thought that God was not happy with me. I said a few prayers and ready to go out. Then the Holy Spirit told me, "pray that you see things as God sees it." 
Our thoughts are very far away from the thoughts of God; it is very opposite of each other. This means that any thought, motive, notions or decision you take without the pure & perfect leading of the Holy Spirit is against the will of God. You can't guess the will of God for your life, it's impossible. We need to pray that we see things as God sees it. When Samuel wanted to anoint a king in Jesse family, all Jesse children were not qualified except David. Samuel was a man of God, yet He did not see what God was seeing, he thought that the first son of Jesse would be the king, God said No, the second son was not qualify either, none of the sons of Jesse qualified before God, but they were alright, strong and fit before Samuel. God doesn't look at appearance but your heart.

We should not do trial and error like Samuel did. He was thinking the handsome, strong sons of Jesse would be the king, but God know that He has kept a little boy somewhere to be his king.  the king/queen of your life may not be the one you thought he/she would be, he/she may not be strong and handsome like other sons of Jesse. But when God anoint him/her to be your king/queen, God will send his Spirit on him/her and he/she will make your life beautiful and lovely. But it will be a great mistake to do trial and error like Samuel before realizing that you have made a mistake. Pray to God to help you see the way He sees and not your own way, then you will have peace and joy everlasting. Amen

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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