Saturday 19 March 2016

Discovering God's Call Before Your Marriage


When God chose Eve for Adam, He called her an help meet, Before this time, God had already given  Adam some works to do in the garden, which requires an helper to make the work going on smoothly. God made Adam to sleep, and he removed one of his bones to form the woman. God has given every man/woman a work to do in His vineyard, some evangelist, prophet, teachers, pastor, apostle, etc. In choosing a right partner for Adam, God gave a helpmeet that looks like him in goal and works (not a helpmate) to help in the work God has given Adam. Note that the woman was not given a different task to perform, but help in the work God has given his husband.
Therefore, one of the features that you are with the right spouse is that you have similar or the same call. For example, God may call the man into Apostleship and woman into evangelism or God may call the man to be a pastor and the lady to be a teacher. In fact, sometimes the duo has the same exact call.

If we should look deeply into successful marriages arranged by the will of God, it is observed that the couple has a similar or exactly the same divine call or goal.
This concept does not mean that if you are an apostle, any lady apostle or lady evangelist can be your spouse. You need to seek the face of God before choosing. Don't marry him/her because you has the same call or goal, but because God ordained your togetherness from heaven. Let me be perfectly clear, God cannot give you a spouse that dislike or would not support your ministry. Your spouse must be a helper in your ministry one way or the other.
However, the work God has given you should not be used to replace the work you are supposed to do to keep the family going. You have to work to provide for your family; the work of God should not stop you from providing for your family

One important thing, many people never discover their ministry nor seek the Gift of the Holy Spirit while some are operating in the wrong ministry. Instead of such people to ask God to tell them their ministry, they join the ministry their friends are operating or the one they finds themselves, in fact some pastor choose work for their members without the leading of the Spirit or the consent of God. It is a great sin towards God to operate in the wrong office. You that God have called you to be an evangelist and you are busy pastoring a church, you have missed your way. Are you sure it’s the will of God for you to be a chorister or be part of orchestra or choir? It’s very important to know your call before you get married.
 Roberts Liardon in his book  "God's General, Why Some Failed And Some Succeed"
wrote: "Don't try to stand alone (after discovering your call), but keep yourself surrounded with people who know your call and are filled with the strength of the Word and the Spirit. If you don't have this operating in your life and ministry, then ask God to bring you those divine connections and relationship. These are not "yes men" who pamper and encourage you in every decision you make, right or wrong, but are divine relationships with people who know how to stand strong in the Spirit because of their personal experience. If they keep themselves clean, they will be equipped to speak into your life and help you when a crisis comes your way. Stay in your call. Don't Venture out to satisfy a suggestion of someone else or the personal desire of your own and don't allow persecution and criticism to push into a corner"

When you are praying for a spouse and you don't receive the answer yet; consider this: it may be that you or your future spouse is not fully matured spiritually, emotionally, socially, financially, etc. God will not give you what you will regret or blame Him for, so wait on God.

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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