Saturday 14 October 2017



Pastor Akin was facing financial crisis in his life. He was depressed and distressed because of his situation, so he prayed to God and God told him to go to the prayer mountain in prayers for seven days. He went to the prayer mountain with his servant (just like Elisa is to Elijah and Gehaz is to Elisa), praying and in marathon fasting. His servant was also praying, but on the sixth day, when the servant saw how the pastor was passionately praying. He started telling God to have mercy on him that he doesn’t know how to pray like his master, all that he need is mercy. On the same sixth day of the prayer and fasting, God spoke to the pastor that his prayer has been answered and that He has heard his cried, the help is on its way. He was instructed to go and take his bath. His servant wanted to help him buy the soap for bathing, but he rejected. Therefore, he came down from the mountain to buy soap for bathing. Then, he met a woman asking him “Are you a man of God?” Pastor Akin replied, “Yes I am.” “Can you please follow me down to pray for me, I was told that the first man of God that come down from this mountain should pray for me” said the woman. Pastor Akin replied, ”I can’t, I have seen that you’re a disobedient person” The woman replied, “Yes, I was disobedient, and I have asked God for mercy that is why I need your prayer” Pastor Akin shouting on the woman, ”No, I can’t follow you woman, you’re a devil, you have been sent to scatter my prayers. I wouldn’t follow you .” He left the woman, went back to the mountain and continue to say on his way “Can you imagine, I am just coming down from the prayer mountain, look at the woman that came down to meet me, she want to eat up my prayers. Thank God I am the Spirit if not; she would have succeeded in her evil deed.”
When the servant sighted his pastor, he was amazed that he was soon back and he asked his master the reason he came back early. “I met an unfortunate lady on the way whilst going, I observed she’s evil and she was sent to steal my prayers” The pastor answered. “But I have told you to help you buy the soap, bring the money let me help you purchase the soap.” The servant said. Pastor Akin handed over the money to his servant. When the servant came down from the mountain, he saw the woman. The woman asked, “are you a man of God?” The man said “Not really, because I am still learning to become a prophet.” The woman said “You are a man of God! The fact that you’re learning doesn’t mean you’re not, please follow me down and pray for me.” He followed her down and prayed for her. After the prayers the woman said, “I was told the first man of God I see coming from this mountain should pray for me. I once saw a man of God came before you, but he refused to pray for me. Few years ago, I made a vow to God, but I didn’t pay the vow. Recently, my child started a terrible sickness since three months ago, I have spent a lot. From prayers, I was told the reason for my predicament is because I didn’t pay my vow. So, God told me to pay my vow if I want His mercy and regain the child’s health. I was told to come to this mountain and any man of God who first come down from this mountain and accept to pray for me, him should I pay my vow to. The first man of God that came down refused to pray for me and you have accepted to pray for me. Take this car key!” She handed over to him a new car key. The servant couldn’t believe what he is seeing and said “please don’t tease me, are you sure of what you’re saying?” he questioned “Yes, of course this is my vow and I have to pay it.” The servant was very happy and ran back to his master saying… “I have been hearing of miracles, I have never experienced it before, but today I experienced it.” He explained his experience with the woman to the master. The pastor said, “This is the same woman I saw, bring the car key, she must have sent you to me” The servant objected and said “the car is for me and not you sir” While the argument was on, the woman traced the servant to the mountain saying, “Why did you left me there, we were still discussing and you ran away in excitement.” The servant said, “Am sorry ma, however, may I ask a question, is the car for me or my boss?” “The car is for you and not your boss, He was the first person I saw but he refused to pray for me. Brother, the car is yours, take this additional N200,000 for the maintenance of the car and if you need anything, this is my business card, you can contact me any time” She answered. She faced the pastor, “Man of God, I am sorry for what happened, maybe it’s not your time to succeed in life, please manage this N5000 for yourself.” She handed five thousand naira to the pastor.
This is how Pastor Akin prayer was wasted. I know you will be very surprised and ask yourself, “But why? At least He is a man of God and God even speaks to Him” Pastor Akin prayer was answered but there was a problem at the receiving end.
Pastor Akin went to God in prayers asking God the reason why he couldn’t experience the manifestation of the answers to his prayer. It was revealed to him that there is poison in his blood. A poison caused by the generational curse of their family and this poison in his blood was the one that rose against him on the day he is to receive an answer to his prayer. There is where the problem lies. How can a child of God, not only a child of God, but a fervent pastor who hears from God be affected with a generational curse? You may ask.
Let me be point blank here, Salvation does not cure generational curse, you may quote several Bible verses like. “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” Gal 3:13.
“In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.” Jeremiah 31:29
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 2 Cor 5:17
I will settle on the last verse and talk about it. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things has passed away. MY dear brethren, you are claiming old things have passed away, the generational curse has passed away abi? You claimed you’re born again and that you have a new life, no curse, covenant or enchantment can work against you. But you still deal with anger, hatred, unforgiveness, lust, habitual and secret sins and you expect old things to pass away, you want the generational curse to pass away. The fact is that salvation cannot remove the Adamic nature which makes you commit unwanted sins.(Romans 7) That Adamic nature, that self, that flesh that is still living in you is the gateway to the generational curse in your life. Almost every family in Africa has one or more generational curse.
The greatest reason is because of dominant idol worship in Africa before the Gospel came. The flesh, Adamic nature, the self which is the medium to generational curse becomes more powerful by keeping you in the prison of habitual sins. For example, your forefathers had shed innocent blood, and those bloods are crying for justice, not only on your forefathers but on their great-grand generations to come. For this curse and judgment to work in your life, it is must have a legal ground through a related sin. This demonic forces around this curse know you’re Christian and you can’t murder anyone, what these forces do is to make you indulge in a related sin like hatred and unforgiveness. They will use this against when you’re praying so that God will not answer you, and if God answers you won’t receive the answer like Pastor Akin. The demonic forces behind the curse will accuse you before God and they quote this verse “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.” 1 John 3:15. They will tell God your forefathers are murderer and you’re also a murderer so you don’t have any reason for God’s blessing. The curse of your family has power on you. They will also quote “But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes” 1 John 2:11 so as to put in you darkness and make your life meaningless and useless. The curse for been a murderer is the curse that was on Cain “10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.” Gen. 4:10-12. If the voice of the first person to be killed can cry for judgment, every innocent soul killed will cry for judgment and these curses will be on the generations of the killer!
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4 No amount of prayer can deliver you, until you destroy your flesh which leads you to that sin and that curse. Brethren, let us stop wasting our prayers and work on ourselves , let’s destroy flesh and self. Then the devil will have no legal ground in our life. Colosian 3:5
New International Version
Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
New Living Translation
So put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual immorality, impurity, lust, and evil desires. Don't be greedy, for a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.
English Standard Version
Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
King James Bible
Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
Galatians 2:20New King James Version (NKJV)
20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
When your flesh is destroyed and you’re living a holy life that doesn’t mean you will are totally free from the curse, you need to invite the holy fire of God into your life thru Baptism of Ghost with evidence of a new tongue. This will totally remove the legal ground of the curses in your life. Then you can start claiming your right as a Christian, then you can start asking and received. Just because your life is now totally free doesn’t good things will start happening to you automatically. You have to pray and fast for it and the answer is sure this time around. This time the legal ground is broken, the effect of the covenant and curses is still there, hot and fervent prayer will destroy its effect After this the following Verses will come to pass in your life:
Isaiah 43:18
"Do not call to mind the former things, Or ponder things of the past.”
Isaiah 43:19
"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 65:17
"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former things will not be remembered or come to mind.”
Ezekiel 36:26
"Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
Romans 6:4
“We therefore were buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may walk in newness of life.”
There are many reasons why we don’t receive answers to our prayer, only one has just been discussed. Other reason is Anti-Christ pollution. Many things we consume like foods, snacks, clothing has been polluted by demonic forces. “…and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” 1 John4:3
This may be very hard to believe for many Christians, demons are everywhere and they pollute everything we use. The reason for the pollution is because they want to be hard for everyone to live a holy live. So when you eat polluted foods, wear polluted clothe you find it hard to study the Bible, pray and fast. And when you force yourself to pray, God will not answer you answer because He can’t see human being in you, He is seeing what the polluted items you have consumed has turn you into. Many people has been turned to animal in the spirit realm and God can’t answer animal. He answers human being. The caution here is to pray on everything you buy, and destroy every pollution of the Anti-Christ. If the pollution is so destructive to this extent, how then came we make rapture when God is not coming for animal. We need to pray that God should destroy any pollution in our lives. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, every pollution in your life be destroyed by fire in Jesus Christ Name. Amen
The Third reason why we don’t get answer to our prayer is because we don’t remain sanctified until God answers us. We are santificied during the prayers, but a little while after we lose our anointing and we can’t receive the answer. I would not speak much on this. The reason is because I want you to read by yourself the confession of a former agent of darkness reported by Bro. Joshua Mulinge. I have shared his testimony in this group, however, I will still share it again for those who are yet to read it. Follow this link to download the confession PDF: download the MP3 audio here
Other reasons for lack of answers to our prayers is lack of faith, when there is no faith, no answer will come. We also need to cleanse ourselves everyday from sin before asking God anything.
Destroying the flesh is not a day, it is a lifetime process. So kill your self everyday and God will help us all
Are you ready to destroy your flesh and live holy to unlock the DOOR to blessings of GOD?
A prayer to make heaven at last, you must say these prayers before the hour of your death or rapture as given by Jesus Christ of Nazareth in a divine encounter with Pastor Greg.
1. Our Father in Heaven, May Your Name be honoured, just as it is in Heaven. Give us our food for today and forgive our sins just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us. Don’t let us yield into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one on a second basis, on a minute basis, on an hourly basis, on a daily basis, on a weekly basis, on a monthly basis, on a yearly basis and all the days of our life in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
2. Oh Lord! Our Rock of Ages, have mercy on my family that was covenanted to Satan before I was born or after I was born, knowingly or unknowingly and redeem us from darkness into your marvellous light, In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen!
3. Our Sovereign God and Spiritual Father, By Your mercy and grace, make me invincible and make me a consuming fire to the forces of darkness in Jesus Christ Name I pray. AMEN!
4. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, reveal any secret error and every unconscious sin capable of preventing me from making your Kingdom, so that I can correct them and amend my sinful ways before the hour of my death in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
5. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, help me, for on my own I cannot work out my own salvation, then favour me and help me to make it to heaven on the last day in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen!
6. Our Sovereign God and My Spiritual Father, deliver me from conscious and unconscious sin that easily beset me and make me to live a holy life in Jesus Christ Name, I pray. Amen
7. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, By Your hands of mercy, remove me from every situation that will make me share in the guilt, sins committed by others that can take me to hellfire, In Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
8. Our Sovereign God and My Spiritual Father, break and destroy from my life every spirit husband or spirit wife as spirit children covenant that afflicts me and connects me to the kingdom of darkness in Jesus Christ Name. Amen
9. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, deliver me from the hands of Satan and demons that have sexual intercourse with me in my dream so that I can live a holy Christian life capable of making me to rapture in the last hour in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
10. Our Sovereign God and My Spiritual Father, Who by His own will brought me to this world, deliver me from every covenant of immorality established against me before and after my birth programmed to make me unfaithful to God and meant to take me to hell fire in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
11. Our Sovereign God and My Spiritual Father, at the judgement throne, replace judgement with Your precious Blood concerning my case, so that I can escape hellfire in JESUS Christ NAME! Amen!
12. OUR Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, stretch forth Your hand from above and deliver me out of every secret satanic initiation, attachment, engagement and arrangement capable of identifying me after death as property of Satan and a candidate of hellfire in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
13. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, my Refuge and my Fortress, my Deliverer and my Hope, my Holiness and my Salvation, my Joy and my Eternity. I am on my knees OH God! Pleading for you to help me to destroy my evil foundation in my paternal and maternal families and correct the errors in my birth capable of taking me to hellfire in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
14. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, break and destroy all generational satanic covenant and curses, swear, following me and my family members capable of making my entire generation to end in hellfire and set us free from eternal destruction and secure a place for us in Your Kingdom in Jesus Christ Name! Amen
15. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, disconnect my soul, spirit and body from the chains of darkness due to my use of Computer, Internet, Email, GSM handset, Twitter, Facebook, and other computer resources capable of taking me to hellfire in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
16. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, I destroy any satanic database keeping records of my pictures, thumbprints, and my bio-data in other to have access to my soul in JESUS CHRIST NAME I pray. AMEN!
17. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, remove my pictures and passport from any satanic database or harbour where they have been stored to use them to monitor my life in order to monitor me into hellfire In Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen!
18. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, destroy from my body, soul and spirit, every satanic chain that connects me to the kingdom of darkness through my umbilical cord in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
19. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father, expose any hidden stain of sin on my soul, capable of making me to labour and trust in Jesus Christ in vain and at the end still go to hellfire, in Jesus Christ Name I pray. Amen
20. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father in Heaven, deliver me from every satanic spiritual bondage and imprisonment so that I can be Yours oh God! Now and forever in Jesus Christ Name. Amen!
21. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father in Heaven, reveal to me whatever that I do that is unacceptable in Your sight that can invoke Your anger upon my life and capable of taking me to hellfire so that I can avoid it and repent of it before my death if rapture tarries in Jesus Christ Name. Amen
22. Our Sovereign God and my Spiritual Father in Heaven, whatever is waiting for me in my foundation to speak against me after death or during rapture in order to take me to hellfire, be exposed and destroyed in Jesus Christ Name!
Jesus also asked us to renew our born again covenant every morning and night and ask for forgiveness on a daily basis

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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