Monday 11 January 2016

Trusting God


Trusting God
n life , we are faced with challenges and circumstances, we often try to use our own strength to solve the problem, but we realize that we can’t get the perfect solution to the situations , even if we get any at all. God has created man to serve Him, worship Him, honour Him, adore Him and trust Him. But we find out that human being tends to use their own strength in carrying out most things they do, even the professed Christians. Is God not able to solve all our problems? Is he not Greater than the greatest, Mightier than the mightiest, Wiser than the wisest, Older than the oldest. This is the Great God we are serving; He is able to solve all problems. The challenges you are facing or the situation you are passing through doesn’t move God, until you admit to trust Him, then He will come to your aid, He is the giver of  Life, In Him is Life everlasting, There is no one like Him. The solution to your problem is available in Jesus Christ- Ah Lord God! Behold, thou hast made the Heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee. Jeremiah 32:17. What is too hard for God to do, nothing!
How then came problems into the world, what is the source of heartache and sorrow; sickness and diseases; bondage and oppression; disappointment and failure; wretchedness and poverty; transgression and death? Sin is the root cause of all.( Isaiah 57:12) The fall of Adam transferred sin to every person born of a woman; and the wages of sin is trouble and death (Romans 5:12).
Adam, the first man created disobeyed God’s law and thereby committed sin. Because of Adam’s sins, himself and the entire human race were put under curse (Genesis 3:17, 18). Sorrow and toil became the lot of man and trouble and disappointment became the order of the day. (Ecclesiastes 2:26)
But God, Who is gracious, has provided a way out of sin and its consequences. He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) to shed His Blood for the remission of man’s sins. (Matthew 26:28). Anyone whose sins are forgiven will have peace with God and will be qualified for everlasting life. (Romans 5:1; John 6:47). When Jesus healed a man who was for thirty eight years at the pool of Bethesda, He forgave him his sins and told him ‘’Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee’’. (John 15:4).
The way out of all problems is now open. ‘’Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the LORD , for He will  have mercy upon Him; and to our God, He will abundantly pardon’’ (Isaiah 55:7)
If you have been saved from your sins and yet you are still facing some vital challenges, check yourself. Are you paying your tithe regularly? Are you giving to the poor? Are you helping your fellow human being when you have the power? Do you really trust God, or you are using your own strength. Without God, the Bible said we can do nothing. If you are tithe giver, helper and alms giver, why don’t you trust God, by worshiping Him, praising Him that He will do great and mighty things in your life. If you strive, God will rest; if you rest God will strive for your solution.  Some things I observed in trusting God are joy, peace, and comfort. When you trust God, you are telling Him that Father, I cast all my care on you, I’m very sure you will solve all my problems no matter how big they are. Trusting God is not easy, but it is necessary, because without trusting God, Satan will send the arrow of discouragement against you ; then you will start playing non-Spiritual games like ‘’why me?, Am I the only one on  earth?’’  You have to wait upon the Lord for Him to renew your strength; He will give you enough strength to wait on Him. Every circumstances that you are facing has a reason, it is either caused by you, Satan or God. I f you are very sure that what you are passing through is not caused your sins. It is time to trust God, even if it is demon attack, God will rescue you. You don’t have to worry about your problems, don’t be over-thinking about it, ‘’don’t worry when you can pray’’. Prayer is the key to all doors. If God can give us His only begotten son, then He is ready to give us anything we ask so far it is not against His will. That is to say that God don’t answer some prayers, anything that will not do you good, God will not give it to you. If you are asking for a car, and God knows that if He gives you that car, you die of auto accident. Will you pray for such?  So God knows the best time for Him to bless us, our own quota is to trust and obey Him, pray always and give thanks to the Father always in all circumstances. Be cheerful in all circumstances; don’t let people know from your countenance that you are passing through any hard situation. Go to Church always, never go back from the work of God, and fight the good fight of faith.

Before I conclude this article, I want you to know that most things you are facing as a Christian are lessons. God wants you to learn something; He wants to develop you spiritually. As we all know that crises reveal character. God wants you to be tested and trusted so that you can be glorified in this world and the world to come; without examination, no promotion. If you need Spiritual, physical, financial, academic, and economic promotion then you must pass the examination. Are you ready to pass the examination, remember no cross, no crown and if you fail the examination, you have to repeat the test. May you not repeat in Jesus Name. AMEN   

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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