Wednesday 11 November 2015

A question on marriage solved!


Good evening, I have been finding it hard to know d will
of God for me concerning marriage and I have come of age my mom is getting
worried,pls advice me on what to do. God bless you sir.

Thank you for waiting for my response. The first prerequisite for a successful marriage is a real born again
experience which is brought by the blood of Jesus because a good marriage consists of two forgiven
forgivers. I want you to know that marriage is the first institution created by God. God Himself is the
author of marriage, so all good and successful marriage comes from God. The first marriage ceremony
which was conducted by God in the garden of Eden should be our role model. God brought Eve to Adam,
Adam did not look for any woman. So also, anybody that will marry the will of God should not go out and
be seeking for a spouse. If Adam is allowed to go and be seeking for a spouse, he would have come back
with monkey, gorilla or chimpanzee. If anybody do not wait on God and go on searching for a life partner,
he or she will marry an animal. Before you were born, God knows you, he knows the right things for you at
the right time. Let it be known unto you that delay is not denial, though a vision tarys, it shall surely come
to pass. Don't be frustrated because of your mother worry at all; waiting on God is an adventure which
requires faith and patience. DON'T be in an hurry! I have seen so many devastating marriages, so marriage
outside the will of God is not good, it is even better not to get married at all. Many people are regretting
of getting married, they want to go back to their single life. Waiting on God can be painful, but it worth the
Ask God to show you the areas you need to develop in your life, it may be financial maturity, spiritual
maturity, social maturity, emotional maturity or even physical maturity where you are lacking. Ask to
develop you and also develop your spouse so that you can meet his standard in marriage. Ask God to
bring you together in His perfect timing. Also you need to stop dating if you are involved and DON'T fall in
love (lust) after someone before asking God. DON'T ever initiate the plans of God in your life and during
your session of waiting, you need to be moving forward. The procedures for getting a life partner is as
You pray to God to give your life partner according to His will. Remember Jesus prayed: "Thy will be
done." Sometimes the will of God is not our choice but we must follow it if we are to enjoy our life.
Ask God to give a special sign, so when you see your spouse you will recognize her as Adam recognized
Eve as his wife after waking from his deep sleep of waiting for God to bring her helpmeet after which he
remarked: "This is the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." After praying hard, a certain lady asked
God that any man that will give her Bible on her birthday is the will of God for her life, she told nobody
about this. On her birthday, a gentleman gave her a Bible and it was only this man that gave her a Bible.
This sample is enough for you to pray and ask God for a sign.
While waiting for God, try to face every challenge with the wisdom of God. Your parent has the right to tell
you to get married but they must not force you into wrong marriage. DON'T be discouraged or depressed
when you are scolded, rebuke or mocked. Tell your parent that you need to wait on God so that you DON'T marry an animal in human flesh. DON'T marry an animal, I repeat! If you allow discouragement, mockery to override you will marry an animal. If you will wait on God in prayer and fasting, together with faith and patience, God will establish His plans for you!

In conclusion, when God will choose your partner for you, he will not only give a soul mate but an
helpmeet. God gave Adam an helpmeet to help in the work God has given Adam, so also, God will give you
a partner who has the same or similar call of God in her life. For example, if God has called you to be an
apostle, God may call your wife to Evangelism or any apostolic mission. But the problem we have is that
we don't ask God what he wants us to do for Him, we only do what others are doing or what the pastor
tells us to do. That is very wrong, ask God his will in your ministry for him. God called me into this
ministry and not a pastor, so ask for His will, He will tell you. Put it mind that this concluding paragraph
was received from God and not my own doctrine. God bless you!
Do you also have question concerning marriage, we are here to help you. contact

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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