Tuesday 23 June 2020

The Story of Otelabi Episode 6


The leader of the guards facing Otelabi............

Chief Guard: Actually there is a problem we want you to help us solve. There is a woman that killed the brothers and friends of a young man, but this young man is ready to forgive her, what he just wants is that the woman should accept to marry him. But this woman refuses and even threatens to kill the young man if he persists. The reason we came is that we want you to help us beg the woman to accept our friend's marriage proposal.

Otelabi surprised: What kind of wicked and ungrateful woman is that. Where is she in this my territory?
Guard: Otelabi, King Adeife loves you despite all your atrocities and you….
Otelabi interrupted: So, you mean you're from Adeife? What arrant nonsense? How did you come in?
Ajala! Who opened the gates for these silly men.

Otelabi called the guards to torture the messengers of king Adeife.

Otelabi: Get some other guards with you, go and torture and imprison these fools and vagabond.
It was because I allowed them to went scot-free the last time.

Ajala and the guards started beating the king's messenger.
Otelabi: Before you take them to the prison, check their luggage for any valuables. I know that foolish king may want to bribe me with gifts.

Ajala and a guard ransacked the king's messenger and behold, golden pieces of jewelry were found.

Ajala: Your highness, we found, something massive

Otelabi: What's that?

One of the king's messenger: It's precious gold from the palace of our king. He asked us to give it to you.

Ajala: Shout up, who asked you a question.
Now facing Otelabi
Your highness, I'm sorry, don't mind that big fool. It's some common gold that was packaged in a bag.
Otelabi: Just bring it here
Ajala brought the gold closer to Otelabi.
Otelabi called the guard to a corner: Open it
On sighting the gold, Otelabi exclaimed: These types of gold are not the common ones ooo. They are precious stones. We have to keep it.
Otelabi went back to where the king's guards are were being tortured.

Otelabi: So, you people brought useless gold to embarrass me here. Anyway, I don't have much to say guards go and torture and imprison then.

The golds were secretly hidden in Otelabi's room and the guards were beating the king's messengers mercilessly. The king's messengers were telling Otelabi guards to turn away from their evil, they preached of Adeife's love, but while torturing them all the guards passed out and died as their bodies couldn't survive the pain again and only their leader survived the torture.

Ajala rushed to Otelabi's room
Ajala panting: It has happened ooo,
Otelabi: What happened?
Ajala: The king's messengers passed out, only one person is remaining.
Otelabi: What do you mean by they passed out, they escaped or what do you mean.
Ajala: I mean they gave up the ghost while the torture was going on. They couldn't survive the beatings.

Otelabi: This is a big problem! Ajala, you and your boys have put me in trouble. Do you want Adeife to bring war down here? You know we won't survive it.

Otelabi paused momentarily and thought over what to do.

Otelabi: Go and prepare your boys for war, Adeife will revenge. We must also send for reinforcement from Oluwo.

While they were talking Oluwo messenger arrived
Inalenu interrupted their interactions.
Inalenu: I have an urgent message from Oluwo.
Otelabi: What's the message? How urgent must the message be that you can't even greet me?
Inalenu: This is an urgent matter. I don't have much to say. Our lord, Oluwo asked me to get the gold King Adeife gave you. He needs it with immediate effect, don't ever try to hesitate.
Otelabi: Ahahha, why? This gold is so precious to me. It's a rare gold.
Inalenu: That was what caught Oluwo's attention, he loves the gold and he needs it.
Otelabi: Well, I know Oluwo loves me and I love him too, he knows the best things for me. Well, he deserves the better than I do.

Inalenu: Now, you're talking, get the gold for me, I have limited time.
Otelabi asks Ajala to fetch the gold and while he went to get it, Otelabi engaged Inalenu in a conversation.

Otelabi: In fact, you came at the right time,  I really need the help of Oluwo at this time.

Inalenu: Otelabi, I can't hear anything, I was sent here for a purpose and that's the only reason I am here. You can come and see Oluwo yourself, I'm sorry, please.

Otelabi was very surprised and wondered why he would act like that.

Ajala arrived with the gold.

Ajala: Here is the gold

Inalenu: Yeah, that's it. ( Inalenu collected the gold and disappeared)

Otelabi: Yee!! I'm doomed, the gold is gone!
Ajala: My lord, I will advise you don't panic about the gold but the war coming on us. I will advise we release the only man that survived
Otelabi: Go and release him. The war, the war, war is coming… Otelabi fainted.

The guards quickly rushed her to a well-ventilated place, pour water on her and she came back to life.

Have you released the surviving messenger,  was the first thing asked when she came back to life

Ajala replied: No, my lord.

Otelabi: Go and release him now with immediate effect.

The messenger was released and was sent back to King Adeife, however, they cleaned him up before sending him away, although he rejected their foods.

When the surviving messenger got to the palace, he explained everything to the council of the king, all the chiefs were surprised about the development and they mourned for the deceased. The king, although angry at the development, he was not surprised, and his love for Otelabi did not change.
He ordered that the bodies of the messengers be brought to the palace for the last respect.

The king ordered some hefty men that Otelabi's men nor Oluwo could combat with. When they got to the Otelabi empire, all the guards were sore afraid and everybody was running for their lives.

When Otelabi saw them
She started pleading: I know you have come to destroy us but tamper justice with mercy.

One of the men: We've not come for you, we came for the bodies of our brothers you killed.

Otelabi: There they are, (pointed to the place they were laid. The surprising thing is that their body was very fresh and the wounds disappeared and they were now fresh, no smell after about a day they had died)

They carried the corpse in the coffins they brought, and before they disappeared, They faced Otelabi and chorused: King Adeife loves you, why not give him your heart.
Immediately after those words, they disappeared.

Otelabi was sorely convicted and wept for hours...

She started considering to give King Adeife a chance since she is getting convinced that the king loves her, but as she was thinking of accepting the king. Oluwo sent his emissaries to Otelabi and the message was that she should not give her heart to Adeife. She was told that Adeife the King is a cunny man and he is only finding the perfect way to kill her.

Emissaries: Oluwo said we should warn you against Adeife the king, he is a cunny man, full of deceit. He wants to bring you to his palace so that he can disgrace you before killing you. Otelabi, run for your head.

Oluwo also said we should warn you that you should never allow king Adeife's messenger to enter your community again. Tell your guards to always stay at alert at the entrance of this community and any messengers of the king should be killed.

Otelabi: Ah! ah! Killed them?
Emissaries: Yes, kill them. Don't be afraid, they cannot do anything. King Adeife will not fight against you. He's a very patient person.

Be rest assured that we are at your back.

After discussing with Otelabi they left her house and Otelabi went inside her room.

At Oluwo territory
They were holding a meeting.

Oluwo: King Adeife's love and mercy is great. We must not allow him to use his power to save Otelabi from our hands. What must be done?

Everyone in the meeting was bringing in their suggestions but none of them caught the attention of Oluwo.
Finally, what Ikutu said caught Oluwo's attention and he was very happy.......

What did Ikutu say.......... Check out in episode 7

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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