Tuesday 23 June 2020

Episode 5 of The Story of Otelabi


The next day at exactly 12PM, the chiefs gathered in the palace to discuss the way forward concerning Otelabi. They all greeted the king as usual and the discussion began.

Balogun: I don't know the next steps now, Iyalode, you're a woman, what do you think we can do.

Iyalode: Balogun, assign new guards, let them wear costly apparel. Let the king send more expensive gifts to Otelabi.

Lisa: That's a piece of good advice, I will also advise that the king send more expensive gifts that are more than before.

Eesa: Moreso, there should not be drumming and celebration while going. In fact, the messengers going should disguise, the king should not release his staff of authority, rather let the king give the guards signage.

All the chiefs nodded in agreement to the suggestion and a date was fixed when they will visit Otelabi. The chiefs left the palace and immediately preparation began for the next visitation.

Oluwo and his cohort called a meeting to discuss how they are going to prevent Otelabi from marrying the king. In the meeting was Apena and other high ranking chiefs that were banished from Ayorun Village.

Oluwo speaks angrily: I will never allow Otelabi to marry king Adeife. Not in my lifetime. We must do whatever in our power to stop her. I'm very sure king Adeife will not give up on her. He will keep on pursuing Otelabi. Otelabi mustn't regain her freedom. We have lost our freedom and privilege forever. We must act fast.

Apena: She must be monitored, her life must be monitored more than we used to do before.

Oluwo: What do you suggest we do, do you have a new strategy?

Apena: Let's plant a powerful monitoring charm in her life.

Araba: How do you think that will be possible? You know Otelabi will be very sensitive that we are planning evil against her

Apena: That's not a problem at all. You know the last time Oluwo forcefully collected the gifts that were sent to her by the king. So now, we are going to deceive her that she is being presented with a better gift. We are going to send her consumable gifts. These gifts will be poisoned spiritually. It will contain food items and costly clothes. Once she eats the food or wears the clothing she will be fully monitored.

Oluwo: Wow!! Bravo!! What a brilliant idea.!

Apena: ehn,  but we must make sure she either tests the clothe or the food before we leave her house.

Araba: That's a fantastic idea. Moreso, her mind must be poisoned, we must make it harder against the king.

Oluwo: Araba, that's great of you. I love your ideas, let's get to work.

Apena: Let's start preparing the charms as soon as possible.

They entered into their shrine and started working on the charms, within a few hours the charms were ready. They prepared the gifts and sprayed the charms on it.

Oluwo and two hefty guards came to Otelabi house in the night. Otelabi was already sleeping. At the entrance of Otelabi's house, Oluwo met Otelabi guards.

Otelabi guard: Who are you and where are you going at this time of the night.

Oluwo's guard: Man, open your eyes very well, don't you see Oluwo with us here.

Otelabi guard: Ehn! Oluwo, I'm sorry sir. I don't know it was. I was not expecting you this night. I hope there is no problem.

Oluwo's guard: just open the gate for us and let's have access.

Otelabi guard: Alright, alright, no problem. (He opens the gate)

All these while that  the discussion was going on between the two sides of the guards. Oluwo has been mute. He was just allowing his guards to do the talking. You know how a boss will act.

Oluwo facing one of the guards talks authoritatively: Go and call your boss for me.

The guard: Yes Sir, I'm coming now.

The guard knocked on the door of Otelabi, there was no response as she was fast asleep, he kept knocking but there was no response. When Oluwo could no longer hold it. He angrily shouted from where he was standing.

Oluwo: What are you doing since, just for you to call someone for me, you want to sleep there.

Oluwo went to the door and with just a knock from him, Otelabi opened the door with immediate effect.

 The guard was very surprised and left the scene in amazement.

Otelabi: Hope there is no problem? Why are you here this midnight, why can't you come in the morning?

Oluwo: Otelabi, you know I love you, and I'm always looking for your good.

Otelabi: Yes, I know

Oluwo: I've brought you some gifts, I was too anxious, I couldn't wait till the morning because you need to be compensated for the gift that I took from you.

At this time, Otelabi was getting excited.

Here is the package. They contain clothes, not just clothes, nice and premium clothes and, tasty delicious meals.

I need you to taste some of the snacks in this package and try the clothes so that I would know if you like them or get you something better. I will surely test,…. ( Otelabi remembered that it was a dream she was having when she was called from the sleep. She was poisoned with foods in the dream and here  she is given food to taste)

Otelabi: Let one of the guards taste it, I don't think I can take anything now.

Oluwo: See, you have to taste this thing, else, you want me to unfriend you… And you know if I stop being your friend, you know how king Adeife will torment you.

If you're afraid, let me have a taste, so you will know it's harmless. (Oluwo took some of the snacks, make some quick gestures unknown to Otelabi to neutralize the poison)

Oluwo while eating: You can see what I am saying, nothing is harmful here.

Otelabi: Hmm, I'm very sorry, it was because of the dream. I trust you Oluwo, please pardon my folly.

Oluwo: The dream you had is a revelation of what king Adeife is planning against you.

Otelabi: Hmm

Oluwo: Take the snacks now

Otelabi eating: Wow, it's so tasty, see what I was about to miss.

Otelabi took more of the snacks because of the taste

Oluwo: Now set yourself aside and put one of the clothes and the jewelry I brought. I want to see how it looks on you.

Otelabi went inside changed the clothes and came out.

Oluwo: Wow, what am I seeing? so you're this beautiful. Guards, what can you say about this.

Guards: It looks so great on her. She even looks younger and more beautiful.

Otelabi was now happy and was loving the clothes.

Oluwo left the Otelabi's house joyfully after accomplishing his mission.

Otelabi went inside her room, closed her door, and slept till the morning.

In the morning of that day, the king's guards were set for Otelabi's house. They had disguised in unrecognizable apparel, with the expensive present from the king.

They got to Otelabi house in a very friendly manner. Otelabi received them with joy, she even tried to entertain them. These guests refused entertainment. They asked about the welfare of Otelabi and her people. During the discussion, Otelabi didn't recognize that they were from the king.

What happened next? Next episode drops tomorrow

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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