Monday 16 November 2015

Message To all Sinners by Edidiong Elijah


I have posted bro. Edidiong Revelations on this blog, here is another revelation, God gave him concerning sinners

After my Divine Encounter with Christ concerning worldly music, I was sent to one of our branch Church at Afaha Ata, Akwa Ibom State. During our sunday school lesson, a young man came to the church, and the Lord commanded me to engage him (immediately) and I did as I was commanded. I told the man to meet me immediately after the service, then we met, I sat with him in the church veranda.
I preached to him concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ as I was led by the Holy Spirit, suddenly I began to see strange things. I saw population of people down inside the satanic river being tied hands and legs with chains, their heart were locked by the devil himself with satanic padlock. Surprisingly, the young man beside me was there but he couldn't see what I saw, because his spiritual eyes were not opened. I was so suprised to see the same person beside me being tied down inside the river. I did not know that God just showed me the satanic prison where the devil tied all the souls of sinners who refuse to repent, he locked their heart with padlock so that they could not accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ whenever they are preached to (that is why after many preaching and serrmon, many sinners still refuse to repent from their sin, if this is you, then, it is better you repent before its too late so that you will not remain in the devil dungeon)
I saw many demons beside those human beings (those who refused to repent) holding some spears in their hands. When I saw this vison, I was amazed then I shouted for help and I told the young man to go and pray and confess all his sins to Jesus Christ, for he will have mercy on him. As he went to pray I saw those chains being loosed from his hands, and the satanic padlock was unlocked (once a sinner repents, he becomes free from the devil and his torments), immediately those demons began to run to different apartments in the river. I tried to stand up to pray with him, but I couldn't. Instantly, I saw a dark man came out from one corner of the river with a very sharp spear he was so annoyed, he threw the spear straight to my direction. Suddenly, it seemed as if I drank an arsenic or an acid (that shows how the devil attack evangelists, and preacher of the true word of God), I ran inside the chuch and some ministers prayed for me.
In the evening of that same day, I was brought to my home station at the Apostolic Faith Church, Ikot Ekpene. The Lord Jesus commanded the young man to go and sin no more (the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are child of God, not by raising up your hand in the church that you've accepted Christ, not by saying "say after me prayer" it is hearing directly from God that you are saved from your sins) but ro my greatest surprise when I came back from Lagos last year I learnt that the young man I preached to died of sudden and unexpected motor accident together with his mother on their way to our regional camp meeting convention. (Thank God he repented before it was too late). My dear friends, are you sill in sin?
Remember there is no repentance in the grave (Heb. 9:27), Jesus Christ loves you that is the reason he still give you another opportunity to repent from your evil ways. Are you ready to to meet your God? Heaven is real, Hell is real, seek the Lord before its too late for the time is is very short.
Are you ready to turn away from your sinful ways and accept Christ, then follow this simple steps and you will be saved

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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