Tuesday 12 April 2016




I have seen many broken relationship which either or both the spouse complain of marrying the wrong person. Choosing a partner is like going to market where a lot of items are sold, both fake and original. You don't know which is which, unless you are with an expert who knows much about the item you want to buy. The expert will be able to guide you in choosing the original item. If you think original products are the expensive ones, you won't be surprised that fake products are sometimes costly also. Why? Just to deceive you into buying fake by all means. This means that fake products are not always cheap as you will always think. You need an expert to guide in buying the correct and original product.

Likewise in marriage, you can't know fake or original spouse by your own wisdom but an Expert advice and this Expert is God. You don't know the heart of the person you thought would be your spouse. Only God knows the future from the present.

There may be a time in your life you may see someone you like to be your spouse, you may like him/her because of his/her physical or spiritual attributes. Wait a minute, before you take the next step, is he/she the right person for you? How do you know if he/she is really your predestined spouse? By asking the Expert (God) that "IS HE OR SHE THE RIGHT PERSON FOR ME?" If you want God to answer this question, you need to be neutral, you must be expecting YES OR NO and when you get the answer test it and confirm it with the Word of God, confirm it from the people of God by asking them to pray with you if they get the same answer from God. You can also confirm by asking God for a sign.

If God confirms to you that that person is not right for you. What do you do? Confirm that its God's leading. Then accept His will.
Don't play a non-spiritual game like, "God, but this person is a good Christian, this person is this, this person is that" OR "God, please I beg You, l love this lady, please let me marry her" If you do this, God will allow you to marry the person, that is permissive will of God like Balaam did. The man will then propose to the lady, "God told me you are my wife" when actually he forced God to say "yes" and God initial answer was "no". So ladies, be careful before accepting proposal all in the name of "God Told Me." This kind of act is rebellion and disobedience. You will marry your heart desire but you would regret at last. The relationship may be sweet at the beginning, you may even be telling yourself, "thank God, I married this lady" but when the consequence comes, you may not be able to bear it. Don't pray for permissive will of God but total will of God. Total will of God means that you surrender to God's Sovereign will in your life. No argument, no disobedience, but your prayer is "Thy Will Be Done"

When God tells you that person you are admiring is not your spouse. It means that He has someone more better for you. God has someone more financial, emotional, physical, economical and spiritual mature than the one you are currently wishing to be your spouse. All the good things you are looking for in a spouse that the person you are admiring has, double of it waiting for you in God's will spouse for your life. It's not easy to accept the will of God for your life, but it pays to do so.

If you don't or have never admire anybody to be your spouse, good!, this is what you will do: ask God to let you know when you are with the right person, or ask Him to give you a sign when you see or meet the right person or ask Him to bring the right person and let you know that that is the right person!

Consider the following testimonies:
A man was praying for a wife and told God to give him a wife 10 years younger than him, with blue eyes, blonde hair, from a nice family and other features. He told God that he doesn't want the wife in the next two years nor two months, but in the next two weeks. He believed God and was praying every day for the answer. Lo and behold! God answered his prayer within a week. A lady came over having all the physical attributes this man was praying for and she told me she will marry him. That is so wonderful! God answers specific prayer. Whatever you want in your spouse, ask God about it and He will do it. But I will advise you to pray for a specific spiritual attributes than physical values because the spirit controls the physical.

A lady also prayed to God that any man that presents Bible to her on her birthday is her spouse. This woman did not tell anybody about her prayer. On her birthday, a man presented her with a bible. What confirmation does she need again?
That is her original husband from God. So you too can adopt the methods in these testimonies to pray for a spouse. GOD BLESS YOU AND GIVE YOU A PURSPOSEFUL MARRIAGE AND MEET AT THE MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB IN JESUS CHRIST NAME!. AMEN

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.


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