Friday, 20 November 2015



This is another revelation from Bro. Edidiong Elijah; this time God sent him to his church, youth, chorister and  the entire world. He was privilege to encounter the founder of her church in this revelation in the person of sister Crawford Florence.

When I heard her voice, I asked the Lord, “Please, why is this woman crying when others are rejoicing?” The Lord Jesus said to me that this woman does not cry always, but whenever she looked down on earth, and see the Apostolic Faith Church nowadays, she will cry. The Lord told me that I should listen to her for she has a message to the church and the world. And I heard the woman cried with a loud voice, saying, “Please, I am your mother; fail not to deliver this message to the church and to all youth. LET SOME OF THE YOUTH OF THE APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCHES STAY CLEAR FROM SECRET SINS. For I am not happy to see what is going on in the life of many youths, some pretend to be saved Christians but they had lost their First Love (Salvation of Soul), this group of people has caused the world to speak against the Gospel, please warn them.”


Here is the message from Mother Florence Crawford to all choristers, music students and all workers. Mother Crawford sent me this message to all the Apostolic Faith Churches in all districts in the regions; she said that all workers in the gospel should do away with worldly fashions produced for women.
Our mother said that a worker in the gospel should not wear a tight fitting dress that exposes the lines of their pant or an open back dress that shows the lines of their brassier, short skirt, jeans skirt, open breast dresses, weave-on, wool, rubber tread, etc. She cried bitterly saying “Choristers should purify themselves, for there is pride in most of them which is one of the sign of the last days.” Then I was led to see a section of the choristers, as some were prepared while others were not prepared. When the unprepared ones were asked to be cast away, the Word of God said, “Let both grow together until the harvest.” And I heard her shout with a loud voice saying, “all saints of God should seek their first love (Salvation of soul)which leads to Holiness, Humility, Purity, Love, Righteousness and Truth for God has chosen The Apostolic Faith Church as the number one church to lead souls to the kingdom of God, only few churches do preach repentance Morning, Afternoon and Evening.”
She continued, “Please my son, fail not to deliver this message for there are some people with strange powers in the Gospel, tell the Church to maintain the old same doctrine which was founded by Jesus Christ. Let them pray for a genuine Salvation in the Gospel that many souls may be won for Christ Jesus, the light of the world.” Amen
Culled From Bro. Edidiong Elijah’s Book- “Making Heaven is a Must”

Written by

A God chosen servant called for our generation to unveil the Truth - Jesus, His works, His ministries, His grace, passion and revelations.



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